The dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DGC) is a membrane-associated protein complex binding extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, such as laminin and forming a bridge towards the cytoskeleton. The molecular composition of the DGC is cell type dependent and it is involved in cell adhesion and motility. Here we present immunocytochemical localization of beta-dystroglycan, the central member of the DGC, utrophin and Dp71f, the spliced 71 kDa dystrophin protein product of the DMD gene, in cultured retinal Muller glial cells. It is shown that beta-dystroglycan and utrophin are colocalized in clusters in all parts of Muller cells including the lamellipodium and leading edge of migrating cells. As a contrast, Dp71f labels are distinct from beta-dystroglycan and confined to the perinuclear cytoplasm of Muller cells indicating that Dp71f is not a member of the DGC in cultured Muller cells.