Segment III bypass can achieve excellent palliation in jaundiced patients with unresectable malignancy of the hepatic duct confluence. However, the long-term benefits are often offset by early morbidity and mortality associated with surgery. Bile leakage is a common postoperative complication. Several approaches to the segment III duct have been described. The "round ligament approach" identifies the segment III duct by following the round ligament into the recessus of Rex, in the umbilical fissure. It is the approach adopted by most units, including our own. The liver is often split to a depth of 5 to 6 cm to expose the duct. Fashioning an intrahepatic cholangiojejunostomy within the recess of the umbilical fissure can be technically difficult due to lack of space. We describe a modification of the round ligament approach, creating a long and tension-free cholangiojejunostomy, which we believe reduces the incidence of postoperative bile leakage.