To evaluate the effect of strategy to reduce the rate and outcome of MRSA infection, 940 patients with cardiovascular operations from 1988 to 1991 were analyzed in aspect of the infection rate and outcome per year. Prophylactics and treatments which have been done during recent four years were) to use the inhalation of vancomycin for MRSA carriers, to quit the intravenous administration of prophylactic antibiotics on third postoperative day, to limit medical staffs to treat the patient with MRSA infection, to choose the most susceptible combination of two antibiotics for MRSA in each patients by periodical checking of bacterial cultures. The percentages of patients with infection to all patients detected with MRSA per year were decreased from 80% in 1988, to 66% in 1989, 31% in 1990, and 30% in 1991. The numbers of patients who died from MRSA infection were 4 in 1988 and only one in 1989 and 1991. MRSA infection in cardiovascular surgery could be reduced by sophisticated methods of prophylactics and treatments.