We have studied the pharmacokinetics of 5-FU hepato-arterial infusion (HAI) with combined use of oral UFT for colorectal cancer cases previously. The plasma 5-FU concentration in cases of 5-FU HAI plus UFT is 1.5-6 times as high as with 5-FU HAI only. We report a rectal cancer case with liver and lung metastases treated successfully with this protocol. A 75-year-male underwent low anterior resection for rectal cancer as Rab, 3.5 x 3 cm, well, ai, n2, P0, H3, M1 on March 26, 2002. For synchronous hepatic and lung metastases, he received weekly 5-FU 1,000 mg HAI, UFT 4T 2 x postoperatively. As a result, liver and lung metastases disappeared over 6 months. We recommend weekly 5-FU HAI with combined use of UFT, which can be more effective not only for liver metastases but also for extra-hepatic lesion of colorectal cancer.