Toxocariasis is an infection induced by Toxocara canis, an intestinal parasite of dogs. In this study, an experimental murine model of toxocariasis was used to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of an ethanolic extract of Lafoensia pacari stem bark. Mice infected with T. canis were treated with L. pacari extract (200 mg/kg, p.o.). Subsequently, we observed a reduction in the number of eosinophils in the peritoneal cavity, bronchoalveolar fluid, blood and bone marrow. Production of interleukin (IL)-5, a major cytokine involved in eosinophilic differentiation, proliferation and activation, is also an important marker for infection. The reduced levels of IL-5 observed in serum, lung homogenates and bronchoalveolar fluid demonstrated the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of L. pacari. Larvae recovery from infected mice treated with L. pacari was comparable with that from untreated mice, suggesting that L. pacari is not toxic to the parasite. Nonetheless, our results demonstrate a potential therapeutic effect of L. pacari extract in IL-5-mediated inflammatory diseases and provide new prospects for the development of drugs to treat IL-5-dependent allergic diseases such as parasite infection and asthma.