DNA binding of antitumor platinum(II) compounds accounts for cellular toxicity. Binding of cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum(II) (cis-DDP) to DNA involves the transient presence of monoadducts which evolve in a second phase into difunctional lesions which are far more toxic than the monoadducts. Temporal control of the monoadducts half-live is at least dependent upon the chemical nature of the cis-platinum derivative and the secondary structure of DNA. The effect of the degree of DNA superhelicity on the binding of cis-platinum derivatives as well as on the evolution of monofunctional adducts has been addressed on plasmid DNA. The rate of platination was not affected by the degree of DNA superhelicity. Similarly, when the evolution of the lesions was complete, no variation of toxicity was found with different populations of topoisomers, as determined by bacterial transformation efficiency. In contrast, when the kinetic of difunctional lesions formation was controlled in vitro, we observed a higher rate of formation on a supercoiled plasmid by comparison with a relaxed one. This result suggests that platinum-DNA adduct toxicity could be modulated by the topology of the chromosome.