The diazinone derivative EMD 53998 sensitizes skinned myocardial fibers to Ca2+ and enhances maximal calcium-activated force (pCa = 4.5) by approximately 100%; the EC50 is 10 microM in the absence and about 30 microM in the presence of added inorganic phosphate (10 mM). Although concentrations of added phosphate as low as 0.5 mM inhibit force, at high concentrations of EMD 53998 (> or = 50 microM), phosphate only inhibits at concentrations exceeding 20 mM. These data suggest that the effects of EMD 53998 and phosphate are mutually antagonistic. Importantly, both EMD 53998 and phosphate had similar effects on force generation in troponin I-depleted (Ca(2+)-independent) skinned fibers, thus demonstrating that these compounds are likely to affect cross-bridges directly and not via the Ca(2+)-regulatory system.