To determine the incidence of unrecognized thyroid disease among admissions to a large acute care university teaching hospital, 364 samples taken on consecutive admissions were assayed for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine index (FTI). Patients with abnormal test results were further evaluated by determination of antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies, and charts were reviewed for evidence of prior diagnosis of thyroid disease, especially severe illness, drug treatment that might affect thyroid function tests, and prior diagnosis of thyroid disease. Results of subsequent thyroid function tests performed during the patient's hospitalization were correlated with the admission serum assays, and data on subsequent testing during the following 6 months were also obtained. A total of 3.9% of patients had significantly depressed TSH, and 11.1% of values were significantly elevated. A total of 11.3% of patients had significantly low FTI values, and 1% had significantly elevated values. A total of 7.4% appeared to have the euthyroid sick syndrome, 5.8% appeared to have unrecognized or undertreated primary thyroid failure, 6% had apparent subclinical hypothyroidism, 2% were thyrotoxic, and 2.8% (all women) had suppressed TSH levels for inapparent reasons. Limiting testing to patients over 49 years of age, or to women, would have missed many individuals with abnormal test results. Considering widespread availability of tests, relative costs, and value of the information obtained, it is suggested that the FTI determination would provide an appropriate screening test for patients in a population such as this entering a large, acute care general hospital.