Ten patients with osteoarthritis were treated in an open study with galactosaminoglucuronoglycan sulphate for 60 days (800 mg b.i.d. per os). The following haemostatic indices were measured before and after treatment: platelet count, adhesion and aggregation; prothrombin time and activity; partial thromboplastin time and antithrombin III. Total and HDL cholesterolemia, triglycerides, arterial pressure and heart rate were also measured. No blood coagulation index was found to be significantly altered in treated patients. In addition, neither variations from the normal limits of lipidemic and cardiocirculatory values nor adverse effects related to treatment were reported. Although the study was carried out in a limited population, these findings show that GGG does not interfere with the coagulation process and, from a more general point of view, they confirm its excellent tolerance.