Spleen cell graft versus host (GvH) reactivity was determined in male and female, either virgin or breeder, C57BL mice from 3 to 24 months of age. The GvH reaction was assessed by a local popliteal lymph node assay and by a splenomegaly test for a systemic reaction. Although the GvH reactivity declines progressively with age in both sexes the virgin female response was greater than that of males throughout the period of 6-18 months of age. Two-year-old mice of both sexes were practically unable to mount a GvH reaction. No differences were evident in aging female reactivity after one or two syngeneic pregnancies. On the other hand, 3 or more consecutive pregnancies resulted in enhanced GvH reactivity of 12-24-month-old females, which responded comparably to young virgin mice. This long-lasting immunopotentiating effect of multiparity was similar after 3-4 and 8-9 pregnancies. The possible role of developing foetuses on the maintenance of high GvH reactivity in breeder females is suggested.