Our purpose was to investigate whether components of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) are relevant antigens in myasthenia gravis (MG). Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 75 MG sera and 120 control sera were examined for IgG antibodies against SR prepared from rabbit skeletal muscle. 16/30 thymoma MG patients had IgG antibodies that reacted with SR. 1/30 MG patients with thymic hyperplasia and 3/15 MG patients with thymic atrophy had SR antibodies in low concentrations. Control sera were negative. Using immunoblot, SR antibodies were detected in the thymoma group only. 14/30 sera from thymoma patients reacted with a protein of 320 kDa relative molecular weight. The only reported SR protein with similar electrophoretic mobility is the subunit of the spanning protein which links junctional SR to sarcolemma and functions as a calcium-release channel.