Using multidrug-resistant (MDR)-transgenic mice, whose bone marrow cells express the human MDR1 gene at a level approximately equal to that found in many human cancers, we determined the efficacy of human-specific anti-P-glycoprotein monoclonal antibody MRK16 in overcoming multidrug resistance in an intact animal. MRK16 alone (2 mg) did not significantly affect the WBC counts of the MDR-transgenic mice, but MRK16, as well as the F(ab')2 fragments of MRK16, led to a dose-dependent circumvention of bone marrow resistance against daunomycin, doxorubicin, vincristine, vinblastine, etoposide, and taxol. This sensitizing effect could not be enhanced by combining MRK16 with low molecular weight chemosensitizing agents such as verapamil, quinine, quinidine, or cyclosporin A. We also investigated the concept of specifically targeting and killing multidrug-resistant cells by using MRK16 coupled to Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE). MRK16-PE resulted in a dose-dependent killing of bone marrow cells in MDR-transgenic mice, whereas no bone marrow toxicity was observed in normal control mice. Administration of excess MRK16 prior to injection of MRK16-PE successfully blocked the effect of MRK16-PE. MOPC-PE, a non-MDR-related control monoclonal antibody conjugate, did not target and kill multidrug-resistant bone marrow cells in MDR-transgenic mice. Thus, these immunological approaches to reversing multidrug resistance appear to be both specific and effective.