Several somatostatin analogs with recently synthesized acetylated N terminus were assayed in vivo for their effects on sodium pentobarbital-stimulated growth hormone (GH) levels in fed male rats and gastrin-releasing peptide (14-27)-stimulated gastrin levels in fasted male rats. The binding characteristics of these analogs to somatostatin receptors were also examined in various human tumors and normal tissues. The analog RC-101-I, injected at a dose of 0.1 micrograms/100 g body wt, significantly suppressed GH release (P less than 0.01) for at least 2 hr. Analog RC-160-II caused the longest inhibition of GH release, greater than that induced by nonacetylated parent analog RC-160, with GH levels showing significant suppression (P less than 0.01) for more than 3 hr. Analogs RC-160-II and RC-101-I and RC-160, injected at a dose of 1.0 micrograms/100 g body wt, significantly (P less than 0.01) suppressed gastrin-releasing peptide (14-27)-stimulated serum gastrin. Analog RC-101-I was active in this test at a dose of 0.1 micrograms/100 g body wt. RC-160-II showed significant binding to somatostatin-14 receptors in all investigated tissues (human colon, human colon cancer, breast cancer, human pancreas and pancreatic cancer, human prostate and prostate cancer, and rat cerebral cortex), but there were marked variations in binding affinities among various normal and cancerous tissues. The highest affinity was found in membranes of colon cancer (Ka = 18.4 nM-1) and breast cancer (Ka = 12.46 nM-1). The binding affinity of RC-160-II to somatostatin receptors in membranes of the breast cancer was similar to that of RC-160. RC-101-I showed higher binding affinity to somatostatin-14 receptors than RC-160 in human breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer. With the exception of breast cancer tissue, the binding affinity of RC-101-I was significantly lower than that of RC-160-II in membranes of all investigated tissues. It can be concluded that acetylated somatostatin analogs RC-101-I and RC-160-II possess prolonged and enhanced biological activities in suppressing serum GH and gastrin in rats. Significant variations in binding affinities for these analogs in different tissues and various tumors suggest that differences may exist between somatostatin receptors in normal versus malignant tissues. This raises the possibility that some of these analogs could be used more selectively in the treatment of various neoplasms.