We describe methods for rapid production and screening of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries. Utilizing complete restriction digests of mouse genomic DNA for ligations in agarose, a 32,000-clone library was produced and screened in seven weeks. Screening was accomplished by subdividing primary transformation plates into pools of approximately 100 clones which were transferred into a master glycerol stock. These master stocks were used to inoculate liquid cultures to produce culture "pools," and ten pools of 100 clones were then combined to yield superpools of 1,000 clones. Both pool and superpool DNA was screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and positive pools representing 100 clones were then plated on selective medium and screened by in situ hybridization. Screening by the two tiered PCR assay and by in situ hybridization was completed in 4-5 days. Utilizing this methodology we have isolated a 150 kb clone spanning the alpha 1(I) collagen (Col1a1) gene as well as 40 kb clones from the Hox-2 locus. To characterize the representation of the YAC library, the size distribution of genomic Sal I fragments was compared to that of clones picked at random from the library. The results demonstrate significant biasing of the cloned fragment distribution, resulting in a loss of representation for larger fragments.