The amino acid sequences of four major capsid proteins of African horse sickness virus (serotype 4, AHSV-4) have been compared with those of Bluetongue virus of sheep. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus of deer, and the phylogenetic relationships established. Complete nucleotide sequence analysis of three RNA segments (L2, L3, and M6) of AHSV-4 and their encoded products, VP2, VP3, and VP5, together with previously published data for VP7 (Roy et al., 1991), have revealed that of the four capsid proteins the innermost protein, VP3, is the most conserved, and the outermost protein, VP2, is the most variable. Some 57-58% of the aligned BTV-10 and EHDV-1 VP3 amino acids are identical with those of AHSV-4. This compares to an identity of 79% between the BTV and EHDV VP3 sequences. For the VP7 proteins 64% of the aligned amino acids are identical between BTV-10 and EHDV-1, while they share 44-46% amino acid residues with the aligned VP7 protein of AHSV-4. By contrast, the VP2 proteins of the three viruses share only 19-24% identical amino acids. Various other comparative analyses of the proteins indicate that the VP2 species of the three orbiviruses are similar. Unlike VP2, the other outer capsid protein, VP5 is more conserved among the three viruses. On alignment, the VP5 of AHSV-4 has some 43-45% identical amino acids with that of BTV-10 and EHDV-1. Between BTV and EHDV, 62% of the aligned sequences are identical.