The well documented ability of immunoglobulins G (IgGs) from Graves' patients to stimulate cAMP production is believed to be involved in the pathophysiology of this disease. It is still under discussion whether other intracellular messengers known to regulate thyroid function might play a similar role. This study shows that phospholipase-A2, a signal pathway unrelated to cAMP, is activated by Graves' IgGs. The IgGs from 67 patients with active Graves' disease, 8 patients with Graves' disease in remission, 5 patients with idiopathic myxedema, 2 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 57 patients with nonautoimmune thyroid disease, and 65 normal subjects were tested for their ability to stimulate phospholipase-A2 activity, as measured by arachidonic acid release from FRTL5 thyroid cells. The IgGs from patients with active Graves' disease caused a significant increase in arachidonic acid release compared to those from normal subjects, patients with nonautoimmune thyroid diseases, and patients with Graves' disease in remission (P less than 0.0001). The IgGs from active Graves' patients were also able to increase cAMP accumulation in FRTL5 cells. This effect did not correlate with the ability of the same IgGs to induce arachidonic acid release, suggesting that Graves' IgGs stimulate these two pathways by separate mechanisms. Moreover, a subgroup of IgGs that stimulated phospholipase-A2 did not increase the cAMP levels in FRTL5 cells. Our data suggest a novel mechanism of action of Graves' IgGs, the activation of phospholipase-A2, well distinguishable from the known effect on cAMP accumulation. The assay we describe could be helpful in improving the diagnosis and therapy of Graves' disease and in distinguishing it from nonautoimmune thyroid diseases. It also supplies the basis for a prospective subclassification of the Graves' patients, which might become useful to clarify the pathophysiology of this disease.