In order to highlight the occult pathology of the thyroid in the aged, the authors examined all the glands withdrawn from 507 consecutive autopsies on subjects of 67.10 years of median age. In 10 tables there are weight and measurements of the thyroids, macro and microscopic details and pathologic appearances. Adenomas were found in 17.1% of cases and histologically besides the known cases referred also to the Hürtle cells type, 4 clear cells adenomas and 5 adenolipomas were found. In 27.42% the subjects were affected or were dead for a malignant extrathyroidal neoplasm, and in 26% of these there was a metastasis in the thyroid. Never a primitive thyroid carcinoma, macroscopically and clinically evident, but in 53 thyroid glands, 54 occult carcinomas (OC) were found, particularly 37 papillary and 17 medullary. IN 57% of 165 histologically treated thyroids, to evidence C-cells, hyperplasia of these cells was found associated with various pathologic conditions, more in aged subjects. In 147 glands were found 170 nodules of various number of cells, at times positive for calcitonin. These solid cellular nodes (SCN) were evaluated as nodular C-cells hyperplasia. Besides isolated cases of acute thyroiditis (also the mycotic type), of tubercular thyroiditis and Hashimoto's, in 12% of the glands a lymphocytic chronic thyroiditis was found, frequently with Hürtle cells. Others observations were: basophilic thickening of colloid also with calcium oxalate crystals, lipoid degeneration of follicular cells and fat interfollicular and interlobular infiltration, thyroid amyloidosis, inner and media elastic calcification of thyroid arteries, presence of cysts with squamous cells coating, parathyroid glands and cartilage intrathyroidal plaques.