Purpose: To identify histopathologic changes in the lacrimal sac and the nasal mucosa caused by docetaxel in 3 patients with canalicular narrowing and nasolacrimal duct obstruction.
Methods: Small case series. Lacrimal sac and nasal mucosal specimens were obtained at the time of dacryocystorhinostomy or during silicone intubation to correct epiphora in 3 patients receiving docetaxel. Histologic evaluation was performed.
Results: Extensive fibrotic changes in the stroma of the lacrimal sac and the nasal mucosa were the prominent histologic features in all 3 patients. A biopsy specimen was taken from the lower portion of the nasal mucosa (near the inferior turbinate) in one patient at the time of silicone intubation and showed both clinical and histologic evidence of keratinization with marked epidermalization of the surface epithelium, thickening, and parakeratosis of the squamous epithelium.
Conclusions: Nasolacrimal duct obstruction secondary to treatment with docetaxel may be in part due to stromal fibrosis in the mucosal lining of the lacrimal drainage apparatus.