Purpose: To correlate the perilesional hyperintense rim of malignant hepatic tumors seen on ferumoxide-enhanced T1-weighted gradient-echo (GE) MR images with histopathologic findings.
Materials and methods: In 13 tumors in 12 patients, T1-weighted GE images (TE of 1.4 msec, flip angle of 90 degrees) obtained after IV administration of ferumoxide were evaluated. MR imaging was initiated within one hour of the completion of ferumoxide administration. Surgical resection for tumors was performed within an interval of two weeks of the MR imaging. Resected specimens were histopathologically examined for peritumoral sinusoidal congestion, desmoplastic reaction, compressed hepatic parenchyma, lymphocytic infiltration, and vascular proliferation.
Results: In twelve tumors (92%), prominently (N = 2), moderately (N = 5), and mildly to minimally (N = 5), a perilesional hyperintense rim was observed. Among histopathologic findings, the degree of peritumoral sinusoidal congestion correlated (R =.75, P <.04) with the degree of perilesional hyperintense rim. The thickness of the perilesional hyperintense rim showed a moderate positive correlation (R =.65, P <.02) with the thickness of peritumoral area with sinusoidal congestion.
Conclusion: Perilesional hyperintense rim of malignant hepatic tumors on ferumoxide-enhanced T1-weighted GE images may correlate with sinusoidal congestion surrounding malignant hepatic tumors.
Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.