The most recent cancer mortality and morbidity data available for France are presented. In 1999, tumours are the first cause of death among men (87,000 deaths) and the second most common among women (57,000 deaths) after cardiovascular diseases. It is also the most common cause of death in both the male and female populations aged 35 to 74. Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer death (21,000) in the male population, and breast cancer is the most common cause of death (11,000) in the female population. Cancer mortality rates decrease both in the male population since 1987 and in the female population since 1950, but the different sites present different trends. The total number of cancers diagnosed in 2000 is estimated to be equal to 260,000: 149,000 in the male population and 108,000 in the female population. The most frequent cancer sites are prostate among men (28,000 cases) and breast among women (37,000 cases), two sites for which screening activities are in widespread use.