The synthesis of a small library of differentially-linked beta-C-disaccharides has been carried out through the use of a radical allylation-RCM strategy. Acids 6 were prepared by Keck allylation of a suitable carbohydrate-based radical precursor, followed by oxidative cleavage of the formed alkene. Dehydrative coupling of these acids with the known olefin alcohol 5 then gave the precursor esters 7 in excellent yield. Methylenation of the esters 7 was followed by RCM and in situ hydroboration-oxidation of the formed glycals to furnish the protected beta-C-disaccharides 10 in good overall yield. Five examples were then deprotected and screened for their efficacy as enzyme inhibitors of beta-glycosidase and against several solid-tumor cell lines for in vitro differential cytotoxicity.