Cardial achalasia (cardiospasm, megaesophagus) represents the failure or lack of relaxation capacity of the inferior esophageal sphincter; it is the second esophageal disease and is considered a premalignant lesion. Treatment of achalasia is surgical but palliative, considering the lack of an etiopathogenic therapy for this moment. We present a retrospective study done on 19 patients (10 males and 9 females, with a mean age of 49 years) operated in "Colentina" Surgical Clinic in the period of 1996-1999 for achalasia (presenting symptoms-dysphagia, regurgitation, weight loss) by extramucosal esocardiomyotomy practiced on a length of 5-10 cm, by thoracic approach, followed by the Mark Belsey IV antireflux procedure. Results were good, without reflux pathology or dysphagia in the postoperative evolution.