In a model study, the proton NMR spectrum of the opioid pentapeptide leucine-enkephalin associated with bicelles is investigated. The spectral resolution for a static sample is limited due to the large number of anisotropic interactions, in particular strong proton-proton couplings, but resolution is greatly improved by magic-angle sample spinning. Here we present two-dimensional switched-angle spinning NMR experiments, which correlate the high-resolution spectrum of the membrane-bound peptide under magic-angle spinning with its anisotropic spectrum, leading to well-resolved spectra. The two-dimensional spectrum allows the exploitation of the high resolution of the isotropic spectrum, while retaining the structural information imparted by the anisotropic interactions in the static spectrum. Furthermore, switched-angle spinning techniques are demonstrated that allow one to record the proton spectrum of ordered bicellar phases as a function of the angle between the rotor axis and the magnetic field direction, thereby scaling the dipolar interactions by a predefined factor.