Background: To clarify the effects of partial liquid ventilation, we visualized and morphologically analyzed real-time alveolar recruitment in a model of acute lung injury.
Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: a group that underwent hydrochloric acid aspiration and mechanical gas ventilation (ALI group, n = 15), a group that underwent acid aspiration and partial liquid ventilation beginning 90 minutes after acid aspiration (PLV group, n = 15), and a group that underwent mechanical ventilation without acid aspiration (control group, n = 5). The number of ventilated alveoli and the diameter of the largest ventilated alveolus in each of 10 high-power fields observed on fluorescence micrographs with a tracer of labeled albumin were determined and averaged from 90 to 210 minutes after acid aspiration.
Results: The number of alveoli in the PLV group significantly increased in comparison to that in the ALI group. The diameter of the largest alveolus in the PLV group decreased from 103.7 +/- 16.3 microm to 76.3 +/- 6.5 microm until the end of the experiment. This diameter was equivalent to that in the control group.
Conclusions: The excellent alveolar recruitment suggests that liquid ventilation ameliorates ventilator-associated lung injury.