Prior studies using brief stimulus sequences revealed "opponent shape aftereffects", indicative of direct opponent coding of global shape attributes such as aspect ratio, skew, taper, curvature, and convexity (perhaps in IT). Further, aftereffects from overlapped opponent pairs of adaptor shapes (e.g., concave and convex shapes) were substantially modulated by attention [Vision Res. 41 (2001) 3883]. Hypothetically, (1) attention might weight the attended and ignored contours at early stages of processing, or (2) it might sway opposing neural activity (e.g., of convex- vs. concave-tuned units) at the stage of opponent shape coding. Attentional modulation was equivalent for opponent pairs (producing opposite aftereffects) and non-opponent pairs (producing orthogonal aftereffects) of overlapped adaptor shapes, whether convexity or aspect-ratio aftereffects were measured. Further, the degree of attentional modulation obtained for these aftereffects (approximately 60%) was comparable to that obtained for V4 cells [J. Neurosci. 19 (1999) 1736]. Taken together, differential contour weighting appears to be the primary mechanism of attentional modulation of brief shape aftereffects.