Acute inflammatory diseases, such as colic, septicemia and endotoxemia are common in equines and have been shown to be correlated to vascular injury and thrombosis. In humans with similar thrombotic conditions, P-selectin and P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1)-mediated platelet-leukocyte adhesion contributes to the pathogenesis of these disorders through the generation of inflammatory mediators and tissue factor. As such, we hypothesized that a P-selectin-PSGL-1 (platelet-leukocyte) interaction, similar to that in humans, may also exist in the horse. The objective of this study was to investigate phenotypic and morphological properties of equine platelet activation with a focus on CD62P (P-selectin) expression and CD62P mediated platelet-leukocyte interactions. To study high levels of platelet activation, we used 1 U/ml thrombin to induce secondary, irreversible aggregation in both human and equine platelets. Addition of glycyl-L-prolyl-L-arginyl-L-proline amide (GPRP) prior to thrombin activation blocked fibrin polymerization, allowing the use of flow cytometry to study alpha-granule expression as a measure of platelet activation. Thrombin activation resulted in high levels of activation, measured as P-selectin expression, in both humans and equines. Interestingly, our research illustrates that in healthy horses, P-selectin is also constitutively expressed on 20-25% of resting platelets. This finding is in direct contrast to humans, in which P-selectin expression is negligible (<5%) in the absence of agonist activation. The high baseline level of P-selectin expression among equine platelets may suggest that they are primed for leukocyte adhesion, possibly resulting in prothrombotic conditions. This phenomenon could be of significant clinical relevance, as it may be related to the rapid clinical decline often seen in equine patients with colic and endotoxemia, where vascular injury and thrombotic complications compromise patient survival. Based on these findings, further investigation into the mechanisms of platelet P-selectin-mediated inflammation and platelet-leukocyte mediated vascular injury in the horse appears warranted.
Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.