Objective: To investigate methods of diagnosis and treatment of hemangiomas of the mandible.
Methods: Nineteen cases of central hemangioma of the mandible treated in our department from 1971 to 1997 were studied retrospectively. Fourteen patients received surgical treatment in which ten patients had received complete curettage of the lesion and the other four had received part resection of the mandible.
Results: The most common signs and symptoms of this lesion were hypermobility of teeth and episodes of spontaneous hemorrhage from the surrounding gingival sulcus. Selective angiography was significant in the diagnosis of this lesion. Fourteen patients received surgical treatment and thirteen lesions were removed completely, except that one died of massive bleeding at the operation and DIC on the next day.
Conclusion: Selective angiography is useful to diagnosis the central hemangioma of mandible, and the complete curettage of the hemangiomas in the body of mandible is the most appropriate operation for children. At the same time, ligature of the inferior alveolar artery can reduce the risk of bleeding during operation.