AIM: To elucidate possibilities of multiplane transesophageal ultrasound for assessment of localization and structure of atherosclerotic plaques in the thoracic aorta as well as relationship between changes of elastic-tonic properties, processes of aortic wall remodeling, stage of aortic atheromatosis, and coronary atherosclerosis. MATERIAL: Patients with chronic ischemic heart disease and atherosclerosis of thoracic aorta (n=120), healthy volunteers (n=11, all men, mean age 51-/+8 years). METHODS: Multiplane transesophageal ultrasound with subsequent calculation of parameters of elasticity and stiffness. The classification of C. Pitsavos et al. (1997) was used for grading aortic atheromatosis. RESULTS. Atherosclerotic plaques were found in 109 patients (91%) and 69 patients (58%) had pronounced (stage 3-5) atheromatosis of thoracic aorta. The plaques were most frequently (87%) localized in descending aorta. Calcinated hyperdense plaques, soft plaques with low density, soft plaques with heterogeneous density prevailed in ascending aorta, aortic arch, and descending aorta, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of thoracic atherosclerosis as predictor of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary vessels were 90 and 65%, respectively. Pronounced diffuse atherosclerosis of thoracic aorta decreased its elastic-tonic properties as evidenced by significant lowering of parameters of elasticity and increase of stiffness index. This process was associated with remodeling of thoracic aorta (progressive passive dilatation, thickening of its wall and lowering of amplitude of systolic excursion). Atheromatosis stage correlated inversely with systolic excursion and parameters of elasticity and directly with stiffness index, intima-media thickness, systolic and diastolic diameters of the aorta. There was also a direct correlation between stage of aortic atheromatosis and age and total score of coronary artery involvement. CONCLUSION: Multiplane transesophageal echocardiography is a highly informative noninvasive method of assessment of morpho-functional changes of thoracic aorta caused by atherosclerosis.