Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the ultrasound (US)-enhanced gene expression by the complexes of a plasmid DNA with gelatin derivatives of aminization.
Methods: Gelatin derivatives with different introduced extents of ethylenediamine (Ed), spermidine (Sd), and spermine (Sm) were prepared with a water-soluble carbodiimide. The molecular size and zeta potential of the gelatin derivatives before and after complexation with the plasmid DNA were examined. After incubation with the complexes with or without US exposure, the DNA expression of rat gastric mucosal cells was measured to evaluate the effect of the type of gelatin derivatives on their gene expression. The cell uptake of the complexes, the cell viability, and the buffering effect of gelatin derivatives were examined.
Results: The apparent molecular size and zeta potential of gelatin derivatives became larger as their aminization extent increased although the Sm gelatin derivative of higher aminization showed a larger value than other corresponding derivatives. Irrespective of the type of gelatin derivatives, the apparent molecular size of plasmid DNA was reduced by increasing the gelatin-DNA mixing ratio to attain a saturated value of about 150 nm. The condensed gelatin-DNA complexes showed the zeta potential of 10-15 mV. The cells incubated with the complex exhibited significantly stronger luciferase activities than free plasmid DNA, and the activity was further enhanced by US irradiation. The enhancement was significant for the Sm derivative compared with the corresponding Ed and Sd derivatives. The amount of plasmid DNA internalized into the cells was significantly increased by the complexation with every gelatin derivative, whereas US irradiation did not significantly increase the DNA internalization. US irradiation had no effect on the viability of cells incubated with every gelatin derivative-plasmid DNA complex, although the viability was decreased by the complex incubation. The buffering capacity of Sm derivative was higher than that of Ed and Sd derivatives and comparable with that of polyethylene amine.
Conclusion: Among amine derivatives of gelatin, the Sm derivative enabled the plasmid DNA to induce the US-enhanced gene expression of cells in vitro most effectively because of the superior buffering effect.