Prenatal diagnosis of the Hunter syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type II; MPS II) is preferably achieved by the assay of iduronate-2-sulphate sulphatase (IDS) in uncultured chorionic villi (CV) as this allows early (12th week), rapid (2-3 days) and reliable results. We summarize the results of 174 prenatal analyses in the past 30 years, using various methods such as radiolabelled sulphate incorporation in amniotic fluid (AF) cells, glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-electrophoresis in AF and IDS assay in CV, CV-cells, AF and AF-cells. Twenty-seven fetuses with MPS II were diagnosed after finding clearly abnormal results in pregnancies with a male fetus; very low IDS activity has also been measured in some pregnancies with a (heterozygous) female fetus, emphasizing the need to combine enzyme assay with fetal sex determination. IDS activity has until recently been assessed by a cumbersome radioactive enzyme assay. Here we describe the use of a novel fluorigenic 4-methylumbelliferyl substrate, which allows a sensitive, rapid and convenient assay of IDS activity and reliable early prenatal diagnosis. This novel IDS assay was validated in retrospective analyses of 14 CV, CV-cell, AF and AF-cell samples from affected pregnancies in addition to prospective prenatal diagnosis in eight pregnancies at risk with one MPS II-affected fetus.
Copyright 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.