Rheumatologic emergencies may pose a serious threat to life, and the treatment of patients with these illnesses continues to be challenging. In the last decade extensive animal and human research has led to development of new therapies. Considerable progress has been made in the therapy for RA. Newly developed biologic therapies have shown promising results in clinical studies, and two agents have already been approved by the FDA. These drugs are currently available for therapy and are under close postmarketing scrutiny to assess long-term efficacy and safety. Similar therapies are under investigation for SLE. Plasmapheresis, once used for many diseases, is now restricted mostly to conditions for which its use has been shown to be beneficial in randomized, controlled studies. Immunoadsorption is used to target specific disease-producing pathogens for removal during extracorporeal therapy. Evidence is accumulating for the use of IVIGs in several immune-mediated conditions. The outlook for some emergencies continues be grim, however, and various therapies are used based on evidence from anecdotal case reports and case series. The new therapies are relatively safe, but careful monitoring is needed, because there is potential for serious adverse events.