Introduction: Paclitaxel containing chemotherapy is considered to be the first-line adjuvant treatment of epithelial ovarian cancers. Hypersensitive reaction is its most serious side effect including hypotension, respiratory distress, extensive urticaria or an intense cardiotoxicity. Due to these signs several physicians abandon of the otherwise hopeful chemotherapy.
Aim: Having ceased the hypersensitive reaction one could successfully re-induct paclitaxel therapy after a repeated premedication course.
Method: A slow paclitaxel infusion rate with a 1/20 dose of the original concentration was administered for reinduction therapy when the patient became symptom-free after treatment with steroid and antihistamines.
Result: Paclitaxel treatment was uneventfully instituted after reinduction as hypersensitivity has not been developed again.
Conclusion: According to the authors in case of hypersensitive reaction you need not abandon the otherwise effective paclitaxel treatment: it is worthy to institute the reinduction therapy.