Minimally-invasive operations were used in 156 patients with acute appendicitis. Laparoscopic appendectomy with ligature method by F. Gotz was performed in 64 (41%) patients (group 1), combined appendectomy--in 32 (20.5%) patients (group 2), laparoscopic operation with ligature method in the authors modification in combination with developed prophylactic complex--in 60 (38.5%) patients (group 3). Conversion to open operation was necessary in 6 (3.8%) patients. Intraoperative complications were seen in 5.1% operated patients, postoperative--in 6.4%, however rate of complications in each group ranged from 10.9 to 1.7%. Results of bacterial examination during different stages of laparoscopic appendectomy are provided. Programme of postoperative complications prophylaxis is described. Algorithm of differential approach to various methods of laparoscopic or minimally-invasive appendectomy in presented.