An improved extraction and cleanup procedure for quantitative analysis of ergovaline in Neotyphodium-infected grass tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography was developed, utilizing aqueous 2-propanol-lactic acid as extraction solvent. Losses of sample material and time requirements were significantly reduced, handling procedures simplified, and ergovaline and internal standard ergotamine recovered with similar efficiency from extracts. Analyses can be carried out on very small amounts (2-5 mg of dry weight) of samples and another endophyte-alkaloid, peramine, determined in the same extracts. Calibration curves with 2-propanol-lactic acid were linear over the range 0.004-0.938 microM ergovaline (= 2-500 ng/mL) in extracts, corresponding to 0.04-10 microg/g in samples. The distribution of ergovaline in the plant was extremely heterogeneous, indicating low in-planta mobility and strong regulation of accumulation by the internal plant environment. In contrast, peramine was much more uniformly distributed. These results clearly demonstrate very large differences in the tissue specificities of ergovaline and peramine.