Country watch: Dominican Republic

AIDS Health Promot Exch. 1992:(1):9-11.


PIP: In the Dominican Republic, 93% of female sex workers did not use condoms because of client refusal according to a survey. The organizations PROCETS and COIN carried out a project to learn why clients refused and to develop educational materials to assist sex workers. The project held 8 focus group discussions with 65 women and identified clients' most common arguments against condom use, compiled a list of successful strategies, and developed 5 profiles of clients: the executive, the smooth talker, the macho, the stubborn one, and the indomitable one. These typical clients were featured in a comic book with 5 stories in which Maritza, a clever sex worker, counters the men's refusal to use condoms and convinces 4 of them to do so. In the 5th story, she tells a young sex worker that she should refuse clients who do not want safer sex. The women participated in all stages of the comic book's development. The project then trained other sex workers to use the comic book in peer education and discussion to enhance the sex workers' sense of self-efficacy. In the first 2 months, peer educators distributed 2895 copies of the comic book to sex workers in 2 major cities. A follow-up survey is evaluating the comic's impact by comparing the women who read the comic with those who did not to determine correlations between self-efficacy and safer sex negotiation and condom use. In a 3rd stage, male clients will be approached so that appropriate interventions can be developed with them. The Maritza comic book has been used for a flipchart series to train on sexually transmitted diseases (STD) prevention. Some of the issues addressed include the uselessness of vaginal douches against STDs, the need to talk frankly with physicians about symptoms, the importance of using all medicines prescribed for treatments, and the incubation periods of diseases.

MeSH terms

  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome*
  • Advertising*
  • Americas
  • Behavior
  • Caribbean Region
  • Condoms*
  • Contraception
  • Data Collection
  • Developing Countries
  • Disease
  • Dominican Republic
  • Economics
  • Family Planning Services
  • Focus Groups*
  • HIV Infections
  • Health Planning
  • Latin America
  • Marketing of Health Services
  • North America
  • Organization and Administration
  • Patients*
  • Pilot Projects*
  • Research
  • Sexual Behavior
  • Teaching Materials*
  • Virus Diseases