Carcinoids of the appendix are rare in children and are usually diagnosed incidentally on histologic investigation following appendectomy for appendicitis. To investigate the significance of the diagnosis of appendiceal carcinoid in children, we conducted a retrospective study of the treatment and follow-up of 36 children with histologically confirmed carcinoid tumors of the appendix. Between 1970 and 2000 a total of 36 patients (25 girls, 11 boys) were diagnosed with appendiceal carcinoid. The median age of the patients at diagnosis was 12.3 years (range 6-16 years). The indication for appendectomy was acute lower right quadrant pain in 27 cases and chronic right lower quadrant pain in 9 patients. In 27 specimens the tumor was localized at the apex, in 7 at the midportion, and in 2 at the base of the appendix. The median tumor diameter was 6 mm (range 3-17 mm). Concomitant severe appendicitis was diagnosed in 14 patients 2 with a perforated appendicitis. In only one tumor were mucin-producing cells detectable. After a median follow-up of 10 years (range 2 months to 30 years) all patients were tumor-free. None of the patients had a synchronous or metachronous noncarcinoid malignant tumor. Appendiceal carcinoids are usually asymptomatic, and the indication for surgical intervention is acute or chronic abdominal pains in the right lower quadrant. For most patients the prognosis is excellent after appendectomy. As in adults, appendectomy is the appropriate treatment.