Introduction and objectives: The prognosis of unstable angina varies between series depending on the inclusion criteria and management protocol used. The aim of this study was to analyze in-hospital events and their predictors in a homogeneous single-center series of patients with unstable angina.
Material and methods: A total of 246 patients with the following inclusion criteria were studied: 1) resting anginal pain, 2) transient electrocardiographic changes during anginal pain, 3) normal CK-MB levels and 4) exclusion of postinfarction angina. All patients were treated with aspirin and enoxaparin (1 mg/kg/12 h). Coronary angiography was performed in the case of recurrent angina or ischemia in Bruce I-II stage during the predischarge effort stress test. The variables recorded were risk factors, history of ischemic heart disease, history of coronary surgery, ECG upon admission, and fibrinogen.
Results: During the hospital stay the following events were recorded: 36% recurrent angina, 58% cardiac catheterization, and 5,7% major events (infarction or death). Multivariate analysis found recurrent angina to be more frequent in patients with a history of coronary bypass surgery (p = 0.004. OR = 22; CI 95%, 3-182), ST-segment changes (p = 0.01. OR = 4.7, CI 95%; 1.4-15.9) and higher fibrinogen (p = 0.002. OR = 1,4, CI 95%; 1.1-1.7). Fibrinogen was the only variable related to cardiac catheterization (p = 0,009. OR = 1.3. CI 95%, 1.1-1.6) and major events (p = 0.001. OR = 2.0. CI 95%, 1.4-3.1).
Conclusions: 1) Unstable angina with electrocardiographic changes was associated to a high rate of in-hospital events. 2) Fibrinogen was related to any event, and previous by-pass surgery and ST changes were related to recurrent angina.