Video-EEG monitoring documentation of seizure localization is one of the most important aspects of a presurgical investigation in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of inpatient versus daytime outpatient telemetry. The authors evaluated prospectively 73 patients with medically intractable TLE. Ninety-one telemetry sessions were performed: 35 as inpatients and 56 as outpatients. Outpatient monitoring was performed in the EEG laboratory. They used 18-channel digital EEG. Medications were not changed in the outpatient group. For analysis of the data, time was counted in periods (12 hours = 1 period). Statistical analyses were performed using Student's t-test and the chi2 test. There were no differences between the two groups (outpatient versus inpatient) with respect to age and mean seizure frequency before monitoring, mean time to record the first seizure (1.1 versus 1.4 periods), mean number of seizures per period (0.6 for both groups), lateralization by interictal spiking (46% versus 57%), and lateralization by ictal EEG (59% versus 77%). Daytime outpatient video-EEG monitoring for presurgical evaluation is efficient and comparable with inpatient monitoring. Therefore, the improved cost benefit of outpatient monitoring may increase the access to surgery for individuals with intractable TLE.