Bone-like apatite formation on the surface of calcium phosphate ceramics has been believed to be the prerequisite of new bone growth on ceramics and to be related to the osteoinductivity of the material. The research of the factors effecting bone-like apatite formation is a great help in understanding the mechanism of osteoinduction. This paper is aimed to a comparative study of in vitro formation of bone-like apatite on the surface of dense and rough calcium phosphate ceramics with SBF flowing at different rates. The results showed that the rough surface was beneficial to the formation of bone-like apatite, and the apatite formed faster in 1.5 SBF than in SBF. Rough surface, namely, larger surface area, increased the dissolution of Ca2+ and HPO4(2-) and higher concentration of Ca2+ and HPO4(2-) ions of SBF and was in turn advantageous to the accumulation of Ca2+, HPO4(2-), PO4(3-) near the ceramic surface. Local supersaturating concentration of Ca2+, HPO4(2-), PO4(3-) near sample surface was essential to nucleation of apatite on the surface of sample.