Escherichia coli HX88108, which is resistant to cefoperazone(CPZ), was isolated from a severely infected patient. We studied genetical basis of beta-lactamase produced in E. coli HX88108 by pFL25, one of the recombinant plasmid of pFC. Largescale pFL25 plasmid was extracted, purified, and cleaved with restriction endonuclease EcoR I, Sal I, Pvu I, then subcloned into vector pUC19 as 1.9 kb, 0.9 kb, 0.65 kb fragments respectively. Recomminant plasmids were selected by alpha-complementation and determined by restriction endonuclease analysis. DNA sequencing was performed by the dideoxy polymerase chain termination method. Partial nucleotide sequence(1-78 nucleotide position) of the gene was found to be highly homologous (97%) with the gene coding for TEM-52 extended spectrum beta-lactamase of K. pneumonise, suggesting that the beta-lactamase coded by the cefoperazone resistant gene might be derived from TEM-type beta-lactamase.