Centromere and telomere composition and organization were studied in various gobiid species exhibiting and not exhibiting chromosome polymorphisms involving Robertsonian rearrangements. In Gobius cobitis, we isolated an AT-rich centromeric DNA satellite, designated pCOB, and found that several sequences contain adenine stretches, various CA/TG dinucleotide steps, and a sequence 76% homologous to the yeast CDE III centromeric sequence. All of these traits are generally considered important for centromeric function, and the hypothesis has been advanced that some are involved in the control of DNA curvature and thus in the degree of centromeric chromatin compactness. Based on these features, and on the fact that they are found only in the species not exhibiting Robertsonian biarmed chromosomes, a role for pCOB in preventing centric fusions has been hypothesized. Our data also suggest that, as in other species, the formation of Robertsonian biarmed chromosomes is accompanied by the loss of telomeric sequences.