The authors present normal values of selected constitutive and activating platelet surface antigens expression. The results were obtained by flow cytometry analysis after immunofluorescent staining of the peripheral whole blood specimens from 25 healthy adults. Data are presented as a mean value and standard deviation (SD) of percentage of positive labelled platelets: constitutively expressed molecules CD9: 94.97% (+/- 2.95), CD31: 92.78% (+/- 2.97), CD36: 90.98% (+/- 5.25), CD41: 95.62% (+/- 2.23), CD42a: 94.98% (+/- 2.62), CD42b: 94.13% (+/- 2.58), activation molecules CD62P: 0.45% (+/- 0.33), CD63: 0.32% (+/- 0.22). This study is the first report in Czech literature.