"The purpose of this study was to calculate the headship rate for time-series analysis,...to review the patterns of changing headship rates and related factors and to estimate the headship rates to 2010 [for the Republic of Korea].... The data used for this study were derived from the Population and Housing Census Reports from 1960 through 1990, U.N. Manual VII and household-related literature....[The authors predict that] the total headship rate will maintain a uniform pattern of decrease and increase by specific age and peak headship rates will gradually extend to younger people.... Rural headship rates will decrease steadily and be greatly influenced by age structure.... In addition, the difference in headship rates between male and female will be great....Lastly, both the divorced and the single will have increasing headship rates for all ages [with] the single [having] the most rapid increase rate after their thirties." (SUMMARY IN ENG)