Objective: To assess the attitude of obstetrics and gynecology nurses towards their own health and their health-related behaviors.
Methods: Two hundred and ninety community obstetrics and gynecology nurses in Israel were asked to complete a questionnaire on attitude to self-health, way of life, smoking habits, and regular breast, blood and PAP smear examinations.
Results: The average body mass index of the responders was 25.2 kg/m2. However, more than half the nurses (163/287, 56.8%) considered themselves as being above-average in weight, and only 41.1% as being appropriate in weight; 55% were on weight-loss diets. Smoking was reported by 44.8%. Blood tests, PAP smears and breast evaluations were regularly done by 72.5%, 83.0% and 55.7%, respectively.
Conclusion: Obstetrics and Gynecology nurses in Israel are aware of the importance of their own health and have good health habits, except for cigarette smoking, which remains a problem among this group.