The instantaneous pressure applied by the respiratory muscles [Pmus(t)] of a patient under ventilatory support may be continuously assessed with the help of a model of the passive respiratory system updated cycle by cycle. Inspiratory activity (IA) is considered present when Pmus goes below a given threshold. In six patients, we compared IA with (i) inspiratory activity (IAref) obtained from esophageal pressure and diaphragmatic EMG and (ii) that (IAvent) detected by the ventilator. In any case, a ventilator support onset coincides with an IA onset but the opposite is not true. IA onset is always later than IAref beginning ((0.21 +/- 0.10 s) and IA end always precedes IAref end (0.46 +/- 0.16 s). These results clearly deteriorate when the model is not updated.