P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), a dimeric mucin on leukocytes, is the best characterized ligand for selectins. P-selectin binds stereospecifically to the extreme N terminus of PSGL-1, which contains three clustered tyrosine sulfates (TyrSO3-) adjacent to a Thr residue with a core 2-based O-glycan expressing sialyl Lewis x (C2-O-sLe(x)). GSP-6, a synthetic glycosulfopeptide modeled after the N terminus of PSGL-1, containing three TyrSO3- residues and a short, monofucosylated C2-O-sLe(x) bound to P-selectin with high affinity (K(d) approximately 650 nm). However, PSGL-1 from human HL-60 cells contains higher levels of O-glycans that are sialylated and polyfucosylated polylactosamines (PFPL). Furthermore, studies with fucosyltransferase-deficient mice suggest that sialylated PFPL structures contribute to binding to P-selectin. To resolve whether sialylated PFPL O-glycans participate in binding of PSGL-1 to human P-selectin, we synthesized glycosulfopeptides, designated GSP-6' and GSP-6", with three TyrSO3- residues and either difucosylated polylactosamine (C2-O-Le(x)-sLe(x)) or trifucosylated polylactosamine (C2-O-Le(x)-Le(x)-sLe(x)). Binding of the GSPs to P-selectin was measured by affinity chromatography, fluorescence solid-phase assays, and equilibrium gel filtration. Unexpectedly, both GSP-6' and GSP-6" bound to P-selectin with low affinity (K(d) approximately 37 microm for GSP-6' and K(d) approximately 50 microm for GSP-6"). Binding of GSP-6' and GSP-6" to P-selectin required fucosylation and, to a lesser extent, sialylation as well as the sulfated peptide backbone of GSP-6' and GSP-6". These results demonstrate that contrary to expectations, a core 2 O-glycan containing sialylated PFPL does not promote high affinity binding of PSGL-1 to P-selectin.