Chiasmata in diplotene bivalents are located at the points of physical exchange (crossing-over) between homologous chromosomes. We have studied chiasma distribution within chicken lampbrush chromosome 1 to estimate the crossing-over frequency between chromosome landmarks. The position of the centromere and chromosome region 1q3.3-1q3.6 on lampbrush chromosome 1 were determined by comparative physical mapping of the TTAGGG repeats in the chicken mitotic and lampbrush chromosomes. The comparison of the chiasma (=crossing over)-based genetic distances on chicken chromosome 1 with the genetic linkage map obtained in genetic experiments showed that current genetic distances estimated by the high-resolution genetic mapping of the East Lansing, Compton, and Wageningen chicken reference populations are 1.2-1.9 times longer than those based on chiasma counts. Conceivable reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.