Vaccination programs to control Aujeszky's-disease virus (ADV) using gE-deleted vaccines are being considered in several European countries. Knowledge of factors influencing ADV-seropositivity for vaccinated herds might contribute to the success of these programs. A multivariable analysis of ADV-seropositivity in 1248 swine herds (332 farrow-to-finish, 260 farrow-to-feeder and 656 finishing herds) in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy revealed that (1) high pig density (number of pigs in a 6-km radius), (2) gilt purchasing, and (3) increased number of fattening pigs were risk factors for farrow-to-finish herds. In farrow-to-feeder herds, ADV-seropositivity was related to (1) increased number of breeders, (2) heavy-gilt purchasing, and (3) increased pig density. In finishing herds, (1) increased herd size was related to ADV-seropositivity, whereas (2) periodic rearing suspension was protective.