The effects of acute abdominal distension (AD) on the electromechanical efficiency (Eff) of the inspiratory muscles were investigated in anesthetized rabbits by recording the electrical activity (A), pressure (P) exerted by the diaphragm (di) and parasternal intercostal muscles (ic), and lung volume changes when an abdominal balloon was inflated to various degrees. Eff,ic increased with increasing AD both in supine and upright postures. In upright rabbits Eff,di increased for intermediate but decreased at higher levels of AD, whilst it decreased at all levels of AD in supine rabbits. Tidal volume (VT) response followed that of Eff,di. Tonic Aic and Adi and inspiratory prolongation were elicited by AD. The effects of these neural mechanisms, acting to limit end-expiratory lung volume and VT changes, were however small since vagotomy prevented tonic Adi and inspiratory prolongation and reduced tonic Aic, but changed lung volume responses to AD only little. Hence, reduced respiratory system compliance and changes in inspiratory muscle electromechanical efficiency dominate lung volume responses to acute AD.