PCR detection of genetically modified (GM) line-specific recombinant DNA was carried out on Bt 11, Event 176 and Non-GM maize grain harvested in 1999. Of 100 grains of Bt 11 line, Event 176 specific DNA was detected in 11 grains. Of 30 grains of Event 176 line, Mon 810 or Bt 11 specific DNA was detected in 5 grains. In addition, Bt 11 or Event 176 specific DNA was detected in 4 of 30 Non-GM grains. These data suggest that maize grains (not seed) often contain DNAs of different lines from what they were expected to contain. Furthermore, quantitative PCR was performed to estimate the genotype of the Event 176 grains described above. The results showed that the genotype of all the grains containing different recombinant DNA is heterozygous. Therefore, it was considered that the grains containing the unintended recombinant DNA were not accidental contaminants, but that airborne pollination had introduced the recombinant DNA into the grains.